Periodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the study of the gums and keeping them healthy. Good hygiene and health of our gums is key for other dental treatments, such as orthodontics, implants or aesthetics, to be successful.
It is for this reason that at Clínica Dental Gaset Lacasa we attach great importance to this specialty. The Dr. Mireia Martí, the clinic’s periodontist, together with the oral hygienists, Míriam Bonada and Álvaro Torres , are responsible for analyzing, diagnosing and treating periodontal diseases as well as giving the correct guidelines for hygiene and correct oral maintenance in order to that our patients can take care of their mouths.

Before describing the two major diseases of the gums (la gingivitis and the periodontitis), we think it is appropriate to mention the characteristics of one normal and healthy gum, which would be mainly pink in color, dotted appearance (what is colloquially known as orange peel appearance), fine margin with scalloped outline and firm consistency.
What is gingivitis?
Gingivitis is one of the diseases that most people suffer from around the world and is described as inflammation of the gingival tissue . As in all inflammation, the symptoms are redness, heat, pain, increase in size and functional impotence . Gingivitis is caused by poor oral hygiene and the consequent accumulation of dental plaque and the action of the microorganisms that make it up.

Periodontitis and its effects
Periodontitis occurs when the plaque continues to grow in depth and settles subgingivally, between the gum and the root of the tooth , destroying the alveolar bone. Unlike gingivitis, periodontitis and its consequences are irreversible , but there are treatments that can slow down its evolution .
So periodontal disease only appears when there is poor hygiene?
The presence of bacteria present in the mouth is the main cause of our gums getting sick. However, there are other factors that can cause this to develop:
- Genetic predisposition.
- Tobacco consumption
- Stress.
- Systemic diseases.
- Weak immune system.
- Hormonal changes.
- pregnancy
- Etc.

And how do I know if I need a visit with Dra. Martin?
Although it is a silent disease since in most cases it is painless, it does present some symptoms that can alert us:
- Bleeding gums.
- bad breath
- Hypersensitivity to cold.
- Gum loss and the appearance of black triangles (the so-called trenches).
- Dental mobility.
- Appearance of abscesses or phlegmons.
If you have one or more of these symptoms, call us and we’ll give you an appointment with the periodontology team to assess your case!
And how do I know if I need a visit with Dra. Martin?
Although it is a silent disease since in most cases it is painless, it does present some symptoms that can alert us:
- Bleeding gums.
- bad breath
- Hypersensitivity to cold.
- Gum loss and the appearance of black triangles (the so-called trenches).
- Dental mobility.
- Appearance of abscesses or phlegmons.
If you have one or more of these symptoms, call us and we’ll give you an appointment with the periodontology team to assess your case!